4 Reasons Why Your Building Shouldn’t Skip a Yearly Fire Inspection

4 Reasons Why Your Building Shouldn’t Skip a Yearly Fire Inspection
Fire Protection

4 Reasons Why Your Building Shouldn’t Skip a Yearly Fire Inspection

Every business owner should take the risks associated with fires seriously. The United States Fire Administration reports that, in 2021, over 116,000 fires broke out at nonresidential buildings. Given how common and serious fires are, it’s crucial for commercial buildings to undergo a fire inspection at least once per year. If you haven’t had an annual inspection, you should schedule one right away. A proactive approach can save lives and property. Let’s take a closer look at some of the many benefits of regular fire inspections.

1. Save Lives and Protect Health

Whenever a fire breaks out, the top priority is protecting people and their health. Fires can be deadly. While property can be replaced, lives cannot. Even when fires don’t manage to kill, they can leave people suffering from serious medical conditions. As such, the most important reason to undergo regular inspections is to protect workers, guests, and others.

2. Protect Your Property

Fires can cause immense amounts of damage. Besides the flames themselves, smoke can render buildings uninhabitable or inoperable. Beyond potentially losing your commercial building, you may also lose expensive equipment, such as computers, servers, restaurant appliances, and more. While such equipment isn’t as important as someone’s life and well-being, replacing stuff lost to a fire can be a major burden for any business.

3. Avoid Disruptions to Operations

If a business suffers a fire, it could take many months to repair the damage and bring in new equipment. During this time, the business may be deprived of crucial revenue streams. Staff members may find new jobs as well, meaning that you might have to train an entirely new staff when you reopen.

4. Reduce Liabilities

If a fire breaks out in your commercial building, you may end up facing fines from government authorities and lawsuits from people or organizations affected by the incident. Even as you’re struggling to get back on your feet, you may have to deal with complicated legal issues. Ultimately, these liabilities could sink your business, or at least be a major setback.

Schedule a Fire Inspection Right Away

When it comes to fires, the risks are immense, and we’ve only covered some of the most obvious threats. Ultimately, fire inspectors can protect your business, employees, and even the local community. As such, you should schedule an annual fire inspection. Looking for professionals with ample experience in the fire prevention industry? Contact our team at FireTron today.