Campus Communication Systems

Why Your Campus Needs A Communication System

Within the first few minutes of an emergency, before first responders have arrived, occupants are at their most vulnerable, often unaware an emergency is even happening.

According to the FBI, 70% of shootings last less than five minutes, and 60% end before first responders can arrive. In many scenarios when law enforcement was present or able to respond, civilians still had to make life and death decisions in those first few minutes.

To help keep students, faculty and staff safe and informed when seconds count, schools must consider the systems they currently have and how they are utilized during their response to certain emergencies. Paging and intercom systems form the foundation of most communication efforts in a school building and will naturally play a vital role in emergency response as well. Schools should invest in an integrated system that not only facilitates day-to-day event management and communications but also is designed and maintained with emergency response in mind.

FireTron's Campus Communication System Services

Having an intelligent school communication system in place is an important part of creating an environment where students and parents feel secure. FireTron’s campus communication systems services ensure that whether it’s day-to-day communication or a life threatening situation, you are prepared. That’s why we provide:

Facility Survey

System Design

System Installation

System Maintenance


Check Out Our Campus Communication System Products

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