How Teachers Can Encourage Fire Safety in Schools

How Teachers Can Encourage Fire Safety in Schools
Fire Protection

How Teachers Can Encourage Fire Safety in Schools

Fire safety in schools is vital. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), about 100,000 fires happen each year in non-residential structures. Any place where many people gather should focus on learning what to do in the event of a fire, especially schools. Teachers can help encourage fire safety by doing these things.

1. Use the Available Resources

There are plenty of resources that teachers have access to. Any teacher who wants to encourage fire safety at school and home can tap into the available teaching resources. The options are plentiful. Most of the teacher resources for fire safety come with grade-appropriate lesson plans. These resources will make it easier to teach children the steps to take in case of a fire.

2. Make Time to Talk About Safety

This topic is so important that dedicated lesson time is a necessity to ensure that this critical training is delivered. As a matter of fact, this topic is so important that several lessons should be dedicated to teaching it. Make time to discuss fire safety often. Reminders throughout the month will help children to stay safe and improve the safety of the school. Don’t be afraid to remind the adults in the school about steps they can take to increase safety and reduce the risk of fire injuries.

3. Support Fire Drills

Fire drills in schools are an important safety practice. Support the fire drills in your school and talk positively about them to the students. Take the process seriously. Sending the right message to your students by modeling positive behavior during a fire drill will have a great impact on how they view the process. Get involved by becoming part of the process. If your school doesn’t yet have a safety team, ask your principal about starting one. If they do, consider joining the team. Volunteering for a safety committee and dedicating time to improving school safety is always a good option.

Every teacher can make a difference when it comes to improving school safety. Taking the initiative to do your part can help reduce the risk of serious injury and fatalities in the event of a school fire. Learn more about how teachers can improve school fire safety today. Get in touch with FireTron if you have any questions.