4 Fire Safety Tips for College Dorms

4 Fire Safety Tips for College Dorms
Fire Protection

4 Fire Safety Tips for College Dorms

Fire safety in dorm rooms is essential to student life. A fire inspection is typically required annually or semi-annually to ensure that students are living in a safe environment, but this is far from the only step dorms should take to keep residents safe. According to the National Fire Prevention Association, there are 3,170 fatalities every year because of fires, and it’s important for students in your dorm to avoid becoming part of this statistic. Here is how you can improve fire safety in college dorms.

1. Just Say No to Unsafe Appliances

Heat-generating appliances left unattended pose a fire safety risk. Items like hot plates should never be used in a dorm. A forgotten hot plate can easily cause a fire. Additionally, in small spaces with bedding, garments, and other flammable materials, the risk of a fire arising from hot plate use is even higher. Portable heaters also shouldn’t be used in dorm rooms. These appliances are especially dangerous in small spaces where flammable materials are nearby, so they should be banned in dorm rooms.

2. Check Smoke Alarms Regularly

One of the most important parts of a fire inspection is checking if enough smoke alarms are installed and if the system is functional. Smoke alarms are essential to reduce the risk of serious injury and death from a fire. It’s important to check the alarms in the hallways, common areas, and dorm rooms. This will help ensure that residents can get out of the building in time if a fire starts.

3. Make a No-Candle Rule

Appliances like hot plates and portable heaters aren’t the only items that should be banned in dorm rooms. It’s also important to forbid students from lighting matches or lighters for any reason. An open flame in a confined space poses a serious safety risk. Candles, smoking, and other open flames should be banned from all dorms.

4. Keep Cooking in the Kitchen

If there is a community kitchen, students should be required to remain in this area while they cook. A person walking away from something on the stove and getting sidetracked can be all it takes to start a fire. Make a strict rule confining all cooking to the kitchen.

Everyone in a dorm must be on board with fire safety rules. In addition to following the steps above, an evacuation plan and periodic fire drills should also be mandatory. A fire inspection can also reveal other steps that need to be taken to improve fire safety in a dorm. If you’re in need of fire safety solutions for a dorm building, contact FireTron today.