The Best Place to Install Access Control Devices

The Best Place to Install Access Control Devices
Security Systems

The Best Place to Install Access Control Devices

Deadbolt locks were the safety and protection standard of businesses for years. Building managers or business owners would have huge keyrings full of keys for every door in case someone needed access. They were the gatekeepers. Now, businesses need a more efficient, automated, and secure method of access control within their business.

Access control systems can be as simple as a card reader, or as complex as you need them to be to meet certain security standards set by a regulator body. Sensitive server rooms, business assets, or other property needs to be protected and access managed. Today, access cards, ID badges, and even fingerprints are the secure methods that business owners and other security managers are turning to to protect property and people. Ideally, every access point in your business would have a secure method of entry, but here are few where controlled access matters most.

1. Building Entrances and Exits

Safety is on the forefront of everyone’s mind these days and that safety net often extends into your parking lot or any entrance to your building. Access control can encompass every square inch of your business’ property with security gates and communication terminals. Vehicular gate operators, the common barrier arm, come in a wide array of models to suit your particular security needs at your commercial or industrial parking structure needs. These gates can be controlled through your overall managed access control system or through toll tag readers placed at strategic locations.

2. File Rooms and HR Departments

If your business has an HR department or file room storing your employees personnel or medical records, or your businesses important financial documents, you should have the room secured with an access control device. This prevents a data breach and ensures that only those employees authorized to manage this critical data have access. This is especially true of those businesses, like hospitals, doctors’ offices, and health insurance companies that must comply with HIPAA health data regulations.

3. Server Rooms

In the age of data breaches and the liability that entails, it is critical to manage the access of critical infrastructure like server rooms and data management centers. Here is where permission levels for an individual user, controlled from a web-based access control system comes into play. A developer on your team does not require the same level of access to a server room that your IT Manager requires. You can manage the permissions of your developer’s access card from your computer. If that developer requires a special permission, you can temporarily grant that without having to lose sight or a physical key or be physically present to grant access.

Businesses that process or store payment processing information, like banks and insurance companies, are subject to the requirements of PCI compliances. Other businesses like SaaS and data centers have their own cyber security measures they must comply with that involve physical access control to the computers that house the data.

4. Office Suite and Coworking Spaces

In today’s economy, many businesses are turning to shared office spaces or large coworking environments to mitigate the overhead costs of owning or maintaining a property. Owners of these large, shared office buildings will need to manage the flow of traffic in and out of the building along with restricting access of building occupants to certain suites or areas of the building. With a high turnover in these spaces, rekeying a door for every new tenant is not efficient or financially viable for long. Keycard readers, locking hardware (like door keypads) or even biometric scanners can keep access to office spaces, bathrooms, maintenance closets, or even the building entrance accessible to only those that are authorized to be on the premises keeping liability and unauthorized resource usage low.

5. Hotels and Apartments

Complexes like hotels and apartment buildings are some of the most obvious choices for access control systems and people want to know they are safe and secure where they reside. Like the other areas mentioned, areas outside and inside the premises can be monitored and assessed via hardware like gates, lock pads, card readers and then monitored using CCTV systems and software that monitors the flow in and out of areas.

What can be integrated into my access control system?

Here are just a few of the systems that can be integrated into your overall security system for access control.

biometric security

Access Control Readers

Commercial Access Control Readers provide peace of mind and a higher level of management to the access of your facilities. Physical, bio-metric, toll tag, and mobile access methods can all be easily managed from a single platform.

parking garage with security system

Communication Terminals

Integrate two-way emergency intercom systems throughout business properties or establish security terminals across a campus to ensure employee or student safety.

doors with security system

Locking Hardware

FireTron, Inc. can recommend and install a number of locking hardware pieces which secure entrances to your business, warehouse, school, hospital, or any other facility for maximum security protection.

apartment gate security system

Security Gates & Doors

Monitor and control the flow of people in and out of your facility with security gates and doors. These combined with access control methods easily allow you to restrict the flow of traffic between public or private areas within your business.

What is the first step in the access control process?

Answer: Consulting with the experts at FireTron, Inc. who have been integrating complex access control systems into the overall security systems of businesses for more than 20 years. Our innovative solutions can connect all of your access controls hardware into a central system that can be easily managed and updated by those on your team authorized to do so.